Synthesis of ZrO2-SiC Composite by Carbothermal Reduction of Zircon
作者:MA Beiyue, YU Jingkun
作者机构:School of Material and Metallurgy, Northeastern University
期号 : 2007 年, 第4期
页码:17 - 20

Zirconite (mesh size≤44 μm) and carbon black (mesh size≤30μm) were used as the starting materials, weighed with m(zirconite) : m(carbon black) of 100 : 20 and mixed fully. The specimens with the diameter of 20mm and length of 5mm were prepared by pressing at 100 MPa, then dried at 120℃ for 12h, put into a furnace with 1.5L·min-1 argon gas and fired at 1450℃, 1500℃, 1550℃, 1600℃ and 1650℃ for 4h, respectively. The chemical composition, phase composition and microstructure of the specimens were studied by chemical analysis, X-ray diffraction and scanning electronic microscope, and the carbothermal reduction reaction process was discussed by thermodynamic analysis. The results showed that the ZrO2-SiC composite could be synthesized by carbothermal reduction reaction using zirconite and carbon black as the starting materials in argon atmosphere. The composite with different composition was obtained by controlling the firing temperature and partial pressure of CO gas. The proper temperature to synthesize ZrO2-SiC composite was 1600℃ in this experiment.
