Chemical Corrosion Mechanisms of Magnesite-chrome Bricks by Converter Slag
作者:YU Renhong, AO Ping , YUAN Yanyan
作者机构:College of Material Science and Engineering, Henan University of ?Science and Technology
期号 : 2007 年, 第4期
页码:11 - 16

The corrosion resistance of four kinds magnesite-chrome bricks against converter salg was investigated by static crucible slag tests. The microstructures of the as-delivered and tested refractories were analyzed by means of SEM and EDS. The results showed that: Different magnesite-chrome bricks have different slag resistances. Generally, the slag resiantance sequence is as follows: rebounded fused magnesite-chrome brick>semi-rebounded magnesite-chrome brick>direct-bonded magnesite-chrome brick>silicate bonded magnesite-chrome brick. Slag reacts with the periclase of magnesite-chrome refractories, which results in the dissoving of periclase in fayalite slag. However, the complex spinels have superior slag resistance.
