Effect of Temperature Schedule on the Morphology of SiC Made From Graphite and Silicon Powder
作者: CHEN Junfeng*,LI Nan,YAN Wen, WEI Yaowu, HAN Bingqiang
作者机构:The Key State Laboratory of Refractories and Metallurgy, Wuhan University of Science and Technology
期号 : 2016 年, 第4期
页码:23 - 28

SiC whiskers were synthesized in a coke bed using a two-step heat treatment process. The temperature was held for 3 h at 1 200  before heating to 1 430  and holding for 3 h. The morphologies of SiC synthesized by the two-step heat treatment method were much more different from those produced by direct heating to 1 430 . SiC whiskers formed at 1 200  firstly and grew at  1 430  to obtain a mean diameter about 326 nm, while the SiC grains with a size range from 0.70 to 2.30 μm were obtained by direct heating to the target temperature of 1 430 . This was explained by the different formation mechanisms. The result proposes a promising alternative technical process for whisker-reinforced ceramic/refractory composites in-situ during sintering.
