Influences of Polyvinyl Alcohol on Synthesis of A95 polycrystalline alumina Fibers
作者:ZHANG Yongzhi, WANG Xiao, LIU Wenchen
期号 : 2013 年, 第4期
页码:18 - 23

In order to improve the spinnabilities of A95 alumina silica sols, the influences of addition and polymerization degree of polyvinyl alcohol on spinnabilities of alumina silica sols were researched. The viscosity and rheological properties of the sols, microstructure, infrared spectra, average diameter and diameter distribution of the gel fibers, BET specific surface area and distribution of pore diameters were measured. The results show that if there is no spinning agent, the A95 sols have no spinnability; when PVA 2099 addition is in the range of 1.0%-2.0% (in mass, the same hereinafter), the prepared sols have good spinnability, the gel fibers produced are thin and uniform, and the shot content is low; BET specific surface area and gas absorption amount of A95 polycrystalline alumina fibers are the largest when PVA 2099 addition is 2.0%; the gel fibers are thick and non-uniform, and the shot content is high when PVA 2099 addition is 4.0%; with polymerization degree of PVA increasing, the average diameter and diameter distribution range of the gel fibers increase gradually; when using PVA 1799 and PVA 1899, respectively, the spun gel fibers are thin and uniform.
