Effect of Metallic Zn Powder on Oxidation Resistance of Al2O3-C Refractories
作者:Li Youqi, Ke Changming, Li Yousheng
作者机构:The Key State Laboratory Breeding Base of Refractories and Ceramics, Wuhan University of Science and Technology
期号 : 2006 年, 第4期
页码:29 - 33

Al2O3-C samples were prepared using tabular corundum, crystalline flake graphite, Al, Si and Zn powder as main starting materials and phenol formaldehyde resin as binder. Keeping the content of tabular corundum, crystalline flake graphite,Al powder and Si powder invariably, the Al2O3-C samples with different content of Zn (0%, 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 3%) were dried at 120~220℃ for 24h, then heated at 1400℃ for 3h in atmosphere and cool. The mass change rate, thickness of decarburization layer, apparent porosity, bulk density and microstructure of the products were determined and observed by means of SEM and EDX. The results show that: when the content of Zn reaches 2%, the thickness of decarburization layer and the apparent porosity of the Al2O3-C sample are minimum, simultaneously, the bulk density of the sample reaches the biggest. Consequently, it can be deduced that the sample adding 2% metallic Zn performs the best oxidation resistance.
