Effect of Chromium Powder on Sintering Property of Chrome Oxide Materials
作者:XU Yanqing, FAN Zhihui, SUN Honggang
作者机构:School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing
期号 : 2009 年, 第4期
页码:5 - 8

The specimens were prepared using Cr2O3 micropowder, TiO2 micropowder and chromium powder as starting materials, PVA as binder, after spraying granulation and cold isostatic pressing, firing at 1 450 ℃ for 3 h in standard nitrogen and oxygen control atmosphere (oxygen partial pressure was 1 010 Pa and 10.1 Pa, respectively). Effects of chromium powder (mass percent were 0, 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5% and 2.0%, respectively) on sintering behaviors of Cr2O3 materials were researched. The results show that: adding 0.5% chromium powder can obviously decrease the oxygen partial pressure in the specimens. Meanwhile, because the expansion caused by the oxidation reaction is small, Cr2O3 materials could realize the densification sintering under 1 010 Pa and 10.1 Pa of oxygen partial pressure. The chromium powder addition in Cr2O3 materials shouldn’t be excessive, otherwise, the expansion reaction occupies a dominant position, which deteriorates the properties of the materials
