Effect of Y2O3 Addition on Sintering Properties and Microstructure of Spinel Materials
作者:LIU Jiangbo, WANG Zhoufu, LIU Hao, WANG Xitang, MA Yan
期号 : 2018 年, 第1期
页码:39 - 43

The effect of Y2O3 addition on the sintering properties and microstructure of spinel was investigated using alumina-rich spinel as the raw material. The phase constitution and microstructure of the specimens were characterized by XRD and SEM, and the pore structure of the specimens was measured by a mercury porosimeter. The results indicate that a viscous melt forms wrapping around spinel crystals by adding a little Y2O3 powders (1 mass%), yttrium alumina garnet will crystallize around spinel crystals by adding more Y2O3 powders (3 mass%); the sintering properties of the spinel are significantly improved by adding Y2O3 powders less than 3 mass%, while they will be relatively weakened by adding Y2O3 powders more than 3 mass%.
