Replacement of Flake Graphite in Alumina-carbon Refractories by Hexagonal Boron Nitride
作者:LIANG Feng, XUE Zhengliang, ZHAO Lei, FANG Wei, YE Linfeng, LEI Zhongxing
期号 : 2014 年, 第4期
页码:36 - 40

Three kinds of composite alumina refractories were prepared with tabular alumina (3-1 and 1-0 mm) as aggregates, tabular alumina powder, α-Al2O3 micropowder, and Si powder as matrix, adding 3 mass% hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN), 3 mass% flake graphite and 10 mass% flake graphite, respectively. Cold physical properties, hot modulus of rupture, oxidation resistance, thermal shock resistance and slag corrosion resistance of the specimens were compared. The results show that: (1) physical properties and hot modulus of rupture of Al2O3-hBN refractories are slightly different from those of low carbon Al2O3-C refractories, but better than those of traditional Al2O3-C refractories with 10 mass% graphite; (2) Al2O3-h-BN refractories have better thermal shock resistance and oxidation resistance than the carbon containing refractories, while similar slag resistance with low carbon Al2O3-C refractories; (3) h-BN can replace flake graphite as a starting material for the preparation of composite alumina refractories, considering the overall properties of the material.
